Are You Like Rock or Water? 


When it comes to your health, are you like a rock or like water? A rock is solid and very resistant to change unless a great force like wind, water, or heat acts on it over a long, long time. Rocks are very slow to change. Is this you? Are you resistant and stuck solid in your mindset, in your health habits, and your frustration about your fatigue and digestion issues? 


Or are you like water? Fluid, adaptable, and on a mission moving towards your health goals? Are you flowing around and through your challenges and obstacles that, like a rock, try hard to prevent your success?  


Similar to water in a river, everything in your body is also in a type of flow. All your body systems work together to create good health. When parts of your body system are slowed or blocked, it causes problems upstream and downstream in other body systems. Think of the problems resulting from a clogged sink or a kink in a garden hose. It’s the same with the conditions in your body that are blocking flow in your energy or digestion systems.  


If you’re feeling stuck and unsuccessful in restoring your energy and digestive health, contact me for a free Jumpstart Your Energy & Digestion session. I currently have a few spots in my schedule available for anyone who is really ready to restore their health with my personalized guidance. 


We’ll create a crystal-clear vision for how you want to feel and the wonderful things this will allow you to do. We’ll uncover all the obstacles and challenges that are sabotaging your success in having great energy and digestive wellness. You’ll leave our session feeling renewed and inspired to finally be able to feel well again so you can get back to living your life with joy and ease. 

Be in the flow like water, not stuck like a rock. 


Self-Love Notes


The Tiger Stealing Your Energy